Any parasite can be destroyed and removed with the help of plants and folk remedies. However, you need to know exactly how to get rid of unwormed worms and skillfully organize the deworming process, which in turn goes through all the stages. Let's look at them in the table.
Treatment phase | Mechanism of action |
Preparation | 7 days before the start of therapy, they start drinking a tablespoon of pumpkin seed oil half an hour before meals every day to remove toxins from the body. |
Deworming | It is based on adherence to the recommended doses and frequency of use of herbal preparations. More folk recipes will be discussed in the article. |
Restorative | Normalizes the body as a whole. Provides diet, avoidance of harmful foods, herbal decoctions to normalize the functions of internal systems damaged by helminthiasis. This article will discuss what foods can and cannot be consumed. |
How to get rid of helpless worms
With the help of folk remedies you can get rid of worms without pills. Most recipes are based on natural ingredients that can be purchased at a pharmacy or found at home. However, even folk remedies should be used with caution to avoid harm to the body. The most popular folk recipes will be discussed below.
Garlic treatment
Water infusion recipe
- Garlic - 2 large cloves
- Water - 50 ml
In the morning, finely chop the plant material and pour a certain amount of hot boiled water, insisting the mixture until the evening. The finished liquid is consumed orally before bedtime, garlic cloves are swallowed without chewing. The drug should be washed with 0. 5 liters of clean water. The procedure is performed every day for 3 days, then the course of treatment is repeated for a week.
Alcohol tincture recipe
- Garlic - 10 medium cloves
- Alcohol - 400 ml
The vegetable raw material should be crushed in a glass bowl, mixed with alcohol and put in a dark place for 7 days. The finished liquid should be emptied and taken 20 drops shortly before meals (3-4 times a day). The drug is not suitable for the treatment of children.
Genghis Khan's method of cleaning
The cleansing process begins with the preparation of the body. The last meal on the day of the cleaning decision must be no later than 8 p. m. At 21-22 o'clock eat 1-2 tablespoons of an apple, or pickles, or sauerkraut.
After that, 200 grams of finely chopped garlic. and swallow a teaspoon in small portions (without chewing), wash with cucumber, tomato or sauerkraut.
In some cases, you can use different juices, for example - tomato juice, ideally - freshly squeezed or combined with celery, carrots, apples.
If you experience discomfort in the abdomen after swallowing garlic, gently bury the visible area of pain through the anterior abdominal wall until it disappears.
They are used for pickles, sauerkraut or pickles for breakfast the next day.
Garlic enemas
Washing solution recipes:
- Peel a squash, grate it and chop finely. Boil water, cool to 50 - 60 °. Pour over, wrap in something warm and leave to infuse for at least 12 hours. Apply as described above.
- Finely chop 6 cloves of garlic, add 150 ml of water, put on fire and bring the solution to a boil. Cool and apply as directed. The recommended course is two weeks, followed by the same break and second course.
- You can mix garlic (3 cloves) and onion in equal proportions, pour 50 ml of boiling water and leave for at least 15 minutes. Add 20 g of lemon juice (not acid), dilute the mixture with a liter of warm water. The solution is ready. The course is 7 days. Do not use in children under three years of age.
- Instead of water, we take 200 ml of milk, boil it and cool it. Mix with gruel (3 cloves). Filter (this applies to all recipes). We put enema for three days before going to bed. Lubricate the anus with a solution to destroy the eggs, take a shower in the morning.
- A mixture of garlic and dried wormwood is effective. Take a little garlic and a few tablespoons of grass, infuse with boiling water. Insist for half an hour, cool and put enema.
To appoint an enema:
You need to lie on your stomach and relax. Insert the enema nose into the anus, press the pear. When all the solution is inside, it is necessary to squeeze the hips without removing the enema. Lie down for 30 seconds. Remove the enema and continue to lie on your stomach for a few minutes without opening your hips.

Treat with ginger
- Grate 500 fresh ginger roots;
- Pour 500 ml of vodka;
- Insist in a warm place for 15 days, shake the container for a few days.
- Take 1 tsp of ginger tincture three times a day. half an hour before meals. Prophylactic course - 2 weeks. It is necessary to make an enema of two liters every day before the end of the course.
Another option:
- peel a small ginger root and chop finely;
- Pour boiling water: 1 cup water for 2 tsp. root;
- Add 2 lemon slices;
- Take 1 cup before meals. Prophylactic course - 15-30 days.
Ginger tea with cloves, cardamom and cinnamon
- Infuse 1 teaspoon in 500 ml of water. tea (preferably green)
- Leave for 5 minutes, then strain and pour into a stainless steel pan.
- Add 2 bark cardamom, grated ginger root (about 3-4 cm), 1 pinch of cinnamon, 2 pcs. cloves and half a lemon (can be thrown along with the skin).
- Cook on low heat for 5 minutes.
- remove and brew tea for 20 minutes.
- strain, add chopped mint if desired.
Summer for worms
Onion infusion
- Finely chop 2 large onions and pour 500 ml of boiling water;
- insist for at least 12 hours;
- Drink half a glass of onion infusion 3 times a day for half an hour before a meal. Repeat for 4 days.
Another recipe:
- Fill a 1. 5 liter bottle with finely chopped onions;
- fill the bottle to the brim with vodka;
- Insist 10 days;
- Drink 1 tablespoon of onion tincture. l. before lunch and dinner.
Herring with onions
- peel and chop a herring as finely as possible;
- peel and chop a large onion;
- replace the herring onion, sprinkle with lemon juice and pour with vegetable oil;
- Eat twice a day on an empty stomach, without eating or drinking anything. You need to eat all herring in one day. If you are thirsty, you can drink only 2 hours after a meal.
We poison the worms with wormwood
There are several recipes for using worms from worms.
One of them is to use dry wormwood in the form of finely chopped powder, washed with water or juice. This recipe is effective for worm infections.
- First day:1 teaspoon of powder 5 times a day every two hours.
- Second-sixth day:1 teaspoon powder once a day.
Another way is to use a wormwood infusion with wormwood and an enema with garlic. This recipe is more effective against pinworms. The duration of treatment is 3 days with mandatory recurrence once every 2 weeks.
- Wormwood infusion:1 tablespoon. Pour 200 ml of boiling water on a spoonful of dried wormwood and leave for 20-30 minutes. Strain. Take 100 ml infusion in the morning and evening before meals.
- enema:1 head garlic + 2 tbsp. Pour spoons of wormwood 600 ml of boiling water and put in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then cool and strain. Use only in the evening.

Aspen bark
To prepare a medicine from aspen bark, you need to take 50 g of raw material and grind it well. After that, the resulting mass is poured into a glass jar, the shell is poured with 500 ml of medical alcohol or, in extreme cases, very high quality vodka. Then, after plugging the containers, the product is removed to a dark place for 15 days for infusion. Shake the composition once a day for 14 days.
Take 50 g of chopped bark and pour 2 cups cold water. After that, the containers containing the drug are set on fire and the composition is brought to a boil. In addition, after reducing the heat, the product is boiled under a lid on low heat for 15 minutes. After the drug should be infused in a warm place for 4 hours. After drainage, the drug is taken 1 sip 5 times a day before meals. The duration of the course is 1 month.
Aspen ash
To get rid of parasites, it is necessary to use ash made from aspen bark and lingonberry leaves. To prepare the drug, 10 tablespoons of dry maple bark and 1 tablespoon of lingonberry leaves should be burned to ash. Then you need to carry out treatment according to the scheme.
On the first day, eat 1 teaspoon of ash with warm milk on an empty stomach and before bedtime. Starting from the 4th day of treatment, the evening dose of ash is canceled and a choleretic agent made from lingonberry leaves is taken.
To do this, 1 tablespoon of lingonberry leaves is brewed with 1 cup of boiling water and insist 3 hours in a thermos. After filtering, the composition is drunk in 1/2 cup 30 minutes before meals, at noon and in the evening for 2 weeks. Then they take 2 tablespoons of ash a day again, but it's been 7 days.
Pumpkin seeds
With castor oil
Along with green skin (not peeled) and 12 teaspoons of castor oil, you need 300 grams of seeds.
The treatment lasts three days. You need to eat 100 g of pumpkin seeds in four doses a day and drink a teaspoon of castor oil one hour after chewing twenty-five grams of the "medicine".
With honey
One portion of 150 g is enough for one child. Adults will need twice as much. Children under the age of five should consume 50 grams of seeds. They also do not need to be cleaned, but they must be completely ground in a coffee grinder with a green film.
Dilute the resulting powder with water to the consistency of yogurt and add a tablespoon of honey. The drug mixture is taken on an empty stomach in the morning. The seeds should be eaten slowly, gradually, preferably within an hour. After three hours it is necessary to take a laxative or enema.
With garlic
Fry 200 g of seeds in a dry frying pan without releasing a thin green crust. Chop the seeds in a blender.
Add one head (6 cloves) of garlic to the blender. Chop everything together. Add 2 tablespoons of honey to the mixture. They all insist on half a day. Then weigh 4 days for a teaspoon for children and a teaspoon for adults.

Sauerkraut for worms
If worms are found in children and adults, it is necessary to eat 100-200 g of sauerkraut (preferably separately from the rest of the food) 2-3 times a day, depending on age.
Therapeutic diet
The emphasis in nutrition in the treatment of worms is on the emptying of an already weakened liver. Cleansing the body of parasites requires the inclusion of the following foods in the diet:
- coconut oil;
- nuts;
- castor oil, preferably on an empty stomach;
- seasonal fruits and vegetables.
The diet is based not only on small portions of many foods, but also on the elimination of harmful foods:
- oily and fried;
- dairy products;
- refined sugar;
- products based on wheat or white flour.